About this site

My name is Sean, and I developed Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome in 2020. I felt completely overwhelmed at the time, not just by the symptoms, but also in trying to find understandable information on what this syndrome is and what could be done about it.

I made this website to help people in the same situation. I've tried to keep information on this site as clear and concise as possible, and as such, it should be considered an introductory guide rather than a comprehensive overview of SCDS.

I had successful surgery with Dr. Isaam Saliba in 2022, giving me back my life after two very difficult years with SCDS. 


If you have any SCDS research news, or have found any mistakes on this site, please email me at: [email protected] 

As this is a solo volunteer project, I am unable to provide any individual support unfortunately. Please join one of the Online Support Groups, one of the best resources for those recently diagnosed with SCDS. They are run by an incredible group of volunteers, of whom I am eternally grateful for.