Support Groups

SCDS can be a challenging condition, both physically and emotionally. Fortunately, there are online support groups available for those recently diagnosed with SCDS.

The support groups are an incredible resource for information and support, and they are run by an incredible group of volunteers, to whom I am eternally grateful.

One thing to remember when reading online support groups is that the majority of people in the group will either be recently diagnosed, or still experiencing some post-op issues or symptoms.

Because of this, new members sometimes get the wrong impression that SCDS surgeries don't work. It's important to remember that most SCDS surgeries are successful, and that group members who have had successful surgeries tend to drop out of the group as they no longer need support.


Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome Support
Science-focused support group.
Founder: Pamela Gilbert

SCDS Support Group
An emotional-focused support group.
Founder: Ann Ratcliffe

French Support Group:
SDCS Déhiscence du Canal semi-circulaire Et Syndrome de Minor.

Nordic/Scandinavia Support Group:
Administered by the Norway SCDS Society.

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